Jonathan Leang's Blog
Just my personal life online !
Just my personal life online !
Feb 20th
Just did a Facebook quiz for type of gf I like.
It went something this.
Q: What would she smell like.
a) Mint
b) Rose
c) Roesmary
d) Lavandula
Chances are she would be my colleague or classmate,
They are hunted to extinction
When I think of J, there is a strange smell, I still remember that smell. I would get super moodly, stressed out.
Feb 14th
I want to Emulate this
It’s been a while since I have taken photos, while in HK I did 2 photo shoot with Kit, he have taught me a lot, from the websites he gave me and from his comments.
Now, I am interested in taking photos again, and I have a new model b, she is more a better model than j
from kit’s suggested site, I have picked some photos that I want to emulate.
Here’s the link to those photo