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Posts by jonathan


Japan ski trip


Landed hk at 9 pm

Went tst directly to meet fds at dance club

Now 830am bed time





Need to control my spending

This underwear feels very good tho

Sleepibg on the sofa tonight


7am bed time again, coded for few hours with breaking music.


I dont like the feeling of being slightly drunk

but i slept very well but its only 5 am ….

need to get to MK at 1 , better get some sleep more now ..


Friends around my age already have baby, made my first red pocket, he seem to have his shit togetor, nice !

Oo alen have a kid too, I think 3 years old already, he must got it like 20 or sth

Anyway, i dun think i have what it takes to rise a kid, takin care of it is not easy, but the hardest part is to manage her well for like 15-20 years.



Meet suki, pun, fung, fung gf, cam wa, his baby.

Luch with suki and shopping for a while then went to have dinnner and saw his baby she is 3 months old, went for a drink, i had a bit too much, silly me, i m fine tho


Believe it or not, a person can simultaneously hold two views at once.

Sometimes it’s called being conflicted, and sometimes it’s called being confused.

Sometimes when our emotions are a bit wild, we make conscious choices to be a certain way and we act that way, even though we aren’t 100% there yet.

As time moves forward, our actions begin to define our thoughts more and more.

déjà vu

OMG, had few déjà vu these pass weeks.

1) when hving dinner with family and friends.

I had a dream about half a year ago, in my dream I was having dinner with my family and friends in HK, I remember it because I was wondering WTF, where is J, (at that time I was still with her) and I notice she is missing in the dream, I think I felt wow cool,  strange, maybe my subconscious mind is telling me sth.

well my conscious mind wants to break up with her for a number of times jsut couldn’t do it.

Looking back, I think she is like 3 bad gf combined in to a evil gf. (maybe mid-level Evil)

2) in China with winters.

Just had a moment feeling wow, I seen this before.


We will go to Japan next week, 5 Days from now, its cold, -10 c now. Gonna be there for a week.

Gonna dress up tomorrow with Tie and everything for dinner.

I don’t see any stars in the HK Sky  …